There is an interesting method of massed that comes from Sweden. It is called hot stone massage because it uses a variety of stones to relax a person. The stones are usually made from Basalt, which is a volcanic rock. They are smooth and are heated by being put into water that has an average temperature above a hundred and twenty degrees. The stones, which frequently are round or oval, can be anywhere from pebble size to as big as a few pounds. The smallest ones may sit between the toes while the larger ones will line the abdomen or the back.
The hot stone massage therapist will gently move these hot rocks along the body of the client. The various weights put pressure at the right points to help ease the muscles. At times the client lies still while the hot stone massage is conducted by doing nothing more than lining areas with the stones. This would include down the spine, in the hands, or on the feet.
Research has shown us that this hot stone massage was first begun thousands of years ago. Then the stones were placed in thermal pools or heated in whatever was available to the practitioners of the time. Since then it has not changed a great deal. The point still remains and that is to relax and soothe the client by the use of heat and massage. The heat is known to help keep anxiety from developing and has been shown to lessen the number of panic attacks some people have.
The hot stone massage is very much like a Swedish massage but with warm stones doing the work. As the stones cool the therapist will replace them with other hot ones. It is the heat from the stones that are doing the work of quickly relaxing the client’s muscles. But if you, the client, find it too hot the right thing to do is tell the therapist and they will adjust it for you. That is why it is essential to be certain that the therapist you choose has experience with this kind of treatment. You do not want to wind up with someone who just started with this particular type of massage.
Like so many things there is a caution with the type of treatment. The hot stone massage will raise a person’s blood pressure. That means that it is unwise to use it on anyone who has high blood pressure or on any woman who is pregnant.